General terms of us
The AEROLUX GmbH, residing in „In de Tarpen 43, D-22848 Norderstedt“, is operating a website in the internet under the internet address as a means of information and communication for internet users.
Offering a teleservice, the AEROLUX GmbH will collect, process and use personal data (individual information about the personal and factual circumstances of a specific or specifiable natural person) only to the extent as is necessary for providing a teleservice (inventory data). Processing and usage of inventory data for other purposes is done only if you as the user will give your explicit approval. Using this website will not be regarded as approval, nor is usage the AEROLUX website depending on your approval.
You have the right to withdraw your agreement to the storage, processing and usage of your data at any time effective for the future The declaration of withdrawal/revocation can be done by ordinary mail or bei electronic mail. If you want to withdraw your agreement, please send an email to
Responsibility for contents:
The AEROLUX GmbH is responsible for the content on this site under the general law.
Third-party contents that are provided for usage on this website will be under the responsibility of AEROLUX GmbH only to the extent to which it is aware of said content and technically and reasonably able to prevent access to it.
No liability is accepted for external content to which AEROLUX GmbH merely provides access. An automatic and short-term provision of external contents due to user query is deemed to be provision of access.
Obligations to block the usage of illegal contents according to general law remain unaffected, if the AEROLUX GmbH obtains knowledge of these contents under preservation of the privacy of telecommunication according to § 85 of the German Law of Telecommunication and if the restriction is reasonable and technically possible.